Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Philosophy of life Essay

The meaning of life, defined by Victor E. Frankl, is the will to find your meaning in life. It is not the meaning of life in general, but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at a given moment. He believes that if you are approached with the question of â€Å"what is the meaning of my life† or in this case, â€Å"life is meaningless,† then you should reverse the question to that person asking the question. For example: What are you bringing to me? What are you as an individual contributing to this life? This forces the person in question to take a look at themselves and to ultimately be responsible. Frankl says that if you are a responsible member of society than the meaning of life transcends from yourself rather from your own psyche. He also says that if we for some reason cannot find meaning within ourselves it has to be from some outside source. This is referred to as service. And an example of this is love. Victor Frankl describes three ways in which we can discover the meaning of life; Creating work-doing a deed, experiencing something-someone, and by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering. There are several reasons why a person could be feeling that their life is meaningless or has no meaning. According to Victor Frankl these reasons could be existential frustration, existential vacuum, and the meaning of suffering. Frankl breaks down the meaning of existential frustration as so, it can be referred to as existence itself ? the specifically mode of being, the meaning of existence, and striving to find concrete meaning in personal existence, which is the will to meaning. Existence itself, in simpler terms is just existing and the human mode itself. The meaning of existence is the question in which we often ask ourselves; Why are we here? When we strive to find concrete meaning in personal existence, we are looking for the personal meaning for existence. Basically what Frankl is saying is that when we are dealing wit the existential frustration we are looking for given meaning that isn’t there. (There is no meaning). On the other hand there is the existential vacuum, which is when you cannot find meaning in your life. Frankl says that the existential vacuum manifests itself mainly in the state of boredom. It’s when you feel that you have no structure in your life, no one telling you what to do, your not learning anything, and basically your not doing anything with your life. Because of this you’re going to become a conformist or a totalitarian, which is either doing what everyone else does or doing what people tell you to do. You’re not thinking for yourself. You’re also going to become bored. In the state of boredom the person can start to see life as meaningless, esp. the person questioning the meaning of their life. They start to question themselves and wonder what their purpose and meaning of their life is. This boredom can be a result of condition called Sunday Neurosis. Sunday Neurosis takes place when a person has worked hard all week long or for many days on end. (We know this as a result of tension; it’s what drives us and keeps us going. It promotes meaning and gives us goals. It is not the same as stress, because stress is an overabundance of tension. ) Then a day comes along when you have nothing planned, nothing going on and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Therefore boredom results and when there is boredom there is no meaning. And when there is no meaning we fill that emptiness with negative things, like money, power, and pleasure, basically we get into trouble. The meaning of suffering is another reason why a person might be questioning the meaning of their life. Frankl says that one of the basic aspects of logotherapy that mans main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain, but to see the meaning of his life. This is why man is willing to suffer in order to find a meaning for his life. But he also says that suffering is not necessary to find meaning in life. Although suffering is inevitably unavoidable, and if it was it would be meaningful to remove it, because it wouldn’t make much sense not to do so. Another aspect about suffering is that it stops being suffering the moment we find meaning in it. Now that possible reasons for why a person may be feeling that their life has no meaning has been addressed, here are some possible solutions that Frankl might suggest. Once the person has discovered why their life is meaningless they need to rediscover their meaning that they lost. They could ask themselves a question like, what was I born with and what is the greater meaning in that? Because it is believed that you’re born with a meaning that every single person on this Earth is born with a meaning. Life doesn’t owe you anything. Basically you’re the responsible one for all the stuff you put out into the world during your life. Another thing that he might talk about is what the person does everyday. If they aren’t doing anything with their life he might suggest them getting involved with something to help create tension. Since tension drives us and pushes us to reach our goals, it helps give us meaning. Frankl also sees responsible-ness as the essence of human existence. He says that everyman has a specific, unique job in life that he is too fulfill an that no one else can do this or replace this one person in the same way. â€Å"As each situation in life represents a challenge to man and presents a problem for him to solve, the question of the meaning of life may actually be reversed. Each man is questioned by life and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; he can only respond be being responsible. † Frankl also says, † Live as if were living already for the second time, and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you were about to act now! † If it was me taking this person, sitting them down, after analyzing what could have caused this sense of unmeaning in their life, I would look at the options of how to find meaning. I agree with Frankl when he talks about meaning as tension and responsibility. I also agree with him when he discusses his views on how everyone is born with meaning and that everyone has a set occupation or vocation on life. I believe that everyone is unique in his or her own way. Therefore why should everyone’s lives be the same and have the same meaning. They don’t. We are born with meaning and we have to find that meaning through our actions and our drive to live life and our interactions with the people and the things around us. Usually when I am presented with material in school I tend to form my opinion by looking at both sides if an issue, because there are usually two sides to every story. But by looking at Frankl and examining what he has to say about the meaning of life, suffering, love, frustration, boredom, tension, etc, I have rally gained a lot of knowledge that almost is common sense. If you sit and take the time to read the material through thoroughly you can see exactly where he is coming from. He’ll take a difficult situation, such as suffering, and turn it completely around. As far as suffering goes I try to do the same thing, in a way. When Mark Felice died last October it crushed me. But I tried to look at the positive side and say well, his suffering is over and he was here to teach us how to live to be stronger and better people. Through our suffering, over the loss of his life, we ended his suffering. This is kind of what Frankl does, he turns things around and makes you view things from a different perspective. I like his way of thinking because it’s not always something that I would think of off the top of my head. Overall, I enjoyed the book although it was difficult at times to read, but I think I gained knowledge from it and see different ways to look at things now.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Religion †god’s Essay

There are eight dimensions of religiosity framed by Kendler which defines religiosity as a system of belief. These include general religiosity which included sensing one’s place within the universe and daily experience; social religiosity or in relation to others; involved God or the living or experiencing God’s presence; forgiveness is a virtue associated with being religious, God as judge is related to involved God but taken on the context of â€Å"God as authority† and notion of judgment and punishment which are attributions of divinity; unvengefulness is taken as the opposite of forgiveness referring to a pendulum swing from religiosity to fanaticism; finally, thankfulness is construed as coping scale reflecting the two ends of gratitude and anger at life and God (Kendler et al. , 2003). But nonetheless, the point of view used remained sociological and not religious as a mystic would for example introspect or meditate on the nature of suicidal act but the attribution of religiosity is important in understanding the class of individual and social group behavior patterns. For the purpose of this study, the mystical experience is assumed to be true but the Heisenberg’s uncertainty theory would make it impossible to fully describe the experience first hand. A conception and faith in an almighty force in the universe, thankfulness and communion with God could be taken as internal processes while forgiveness, unvengefulness and belonging to a religious group as social dimensions. Research on suicide showed importance of social networks particularly the primary groups in significantly reducing suicidal situations and hence its ideation, it would be difficult to differentiate social religiosity with other groupings, e. g. school science club. Hence, the author tends to regard religious experience in the level of personal understanding. Fear and love of God – the all powerful are still outward manifestations that is why it reflects strongly in group organizations and which have been institutionalized as in organized religions and churches. Looking at religiosity on psychological point of view symbolism and introspective evaluation techniques are relevant at least in trying to understand the internal dynamism of such an important belief. While it is not the wish of the researcher to go into theological discourse on the existence of one God almighty, it would be important in this research to have a glimpse on how such a belief is being reinforcement both at the social and individual or personal level. While there are a lot of accounts on mystical experiences, these experiences are not unique to purely religious experience but are even associated with use of hallucinogenic substances in some exotic religious rituals. Communion with nature or being one with nature is another area of vague divide between religious beliefs. We therefore view religion in two levels as a system of shared beliefs and as an experience. For the purpose, understanding suicide in the religious context, we take the personal view and relate the importance of such practice in the conception of self and in relation to other beings. Mind, body, and otherness: A tri-disciplinary approach in evaluating suicide syndrome Based from the review of the three disciplines, we can now combine the elements useful in evaluating a dangerous syndrome. From sociology we borrow the systematic approach to the study of groups while giving to value formation and its possible relationship with the notion of will. Value formation and exercise of will are considered human attributes. Is this natural or learned? This is clearly domain of psychology. Symbolic interactionism is one of the trends in thinking in sociology which parallel concerns in developmental psychology, that of the role of cognition in human behavior and how products of cognition are shared with others. Furthermore we limit the conceptualization of suicide into manageable numbers of variables including values, group organization, self perception, will and cognition, value and meaning of life. Taken together these variables could constitute what may be considered the psychosocial senses which enable us humans to relate self with the universe and in extreme cases, to severe such a psychosocial tie as in the case of suicide.

Eymp3-5.4 Describe Methods of Educating Children

EYMP3-5. 4 Describe methods of educating children and adults in effective food management. It is now accepted that just putting healthy food down on a plate in front of children is not always the best way to help them eat healthy. There are other ways involved in food management. It is important for carer and for parents to understand how much food a child actually needs over the course of a day. Too much food can cause overweight for children even if it is ‘healthy’, similarly, to lacking food intake can cause children to be underweight.A good plan to help parents know how much food should be given to children is to prepare a table or chart sample for each day’s food and work out its overall calorie content using food labels. It’s helpful to see how much food children of different ages may require rather than just being told how many calories they need. It is also important for carer to be aware that ‘healthy drinks’ such as smoothies and frui t juices can be high in calories and so should be limited.It is now thought helpful for parents to be advised early by professionals to notice if that their children are either under- or overweight. Interestingly, few parents notice that that their young children are becoming overweight or underweight and often don’t realize it because of the way they think about how cuddly their child are. Parents of children over 3 years old need to realise that children should begin to look quite slim and by the age of 4 years the healthy profile of children is that they should look lean.There are now plenty of websites and leaflets from variety of organisations that can help parents understand what healthy weight is for their children. Using that website to identify if their children’s weight is not at the expected level for their height, it is also important that young children are not made aware of any problems as this can lead to emotional issues with food later in life.Ideally, food should be enjoyable for children and the environment should be comfortable when its meal times, where the focus is not only on food intake. Unfortunately for some children and their families, food can become a battleground and as a result a child may develop an issues relating to eating food such as food phobia. That’s why many children decided to eat specific food that they prefer and may not try out new foods. Therefore, carer and parents need to watch out for children who are becoming distressed by food.We also need to look out for children who are becoming worried about what they eat, as some dieticians have expressed worries that children are picking up adult concerns about being overweight. If you notice that child seems to have a hard time with food, it will be important to stay relaxed and not create a tense atmosphere. You can try giving food differently or include children in food preparation. If a this method does not work and parents report that they are als o having difficulties, it will be worth parents getting some professional help via their GP.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Jurisprudence Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Jurisprudence Project - Research Paper Example This essay covers the criminal perspective of jurisprudence focusing on a murder case and the death penalty. Historical development of capital punishment The death penalty came up after (18) eighteen years failure to execute convicts, arising from the Supreme Court’s moratorium as issued in the case of Furman v. Georgia 408 U.S 238 (1972) (Burton, 2007) where the learned justice held death penalty to be cruel and discriminatory applied to the poor, Negros and low class people. Thereafter, the supreme court reinstated the death penalty by imposing the death penalty, the case law of Gregg v. Georgia 428 U.S. 153 (1976) (Burton, 2007). In New York Court of Appeal in the case of People v. Davis 43, N.Y.2d 17 (1977) ruled that the death penalty violated the Eighth Amendment on Human rights this followed that, in the subsequent years, New York Legislature passed new capital punishment statutes every year only to be abolished by the ruling governors. Later in 1994 a governor who promised to bring back the capital punishment got elected to represent New York, after which the 1995 death penalty statute got passed, this saw many prosecutors oppose capital punishment as a mechanism of deterring violent crimes (Burton, 2007). Some declared never to infer death penalty. The people started challenging death penalty until the Court of Appeal in the case of People v. Lavalle 3 N.Y.3d 88 (2004) ruled that at the close of a penalty trial, the clause the judge should inform the jury that on failing to agree on the punishment, then death imprisonment would be effected, violated New York Constitution (Melvin, 1992). Despite the ruling in Lavalle’s case above, the prosecutor in the case of John Taylor continued pursuing the death penalty that the jury had not agreed on the punishment (Betty, 1995). The defense objected on the constitutionality of this provision on the jury’s agreement.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Business Report - Essay Example This department coordinates the operations of the business. The aim of the firm is to maximize sales to increase revenue. Systems that are in this department include the Sales Recording System, and Business Operation System. The main functions of this department include management of transportation, inventory, warehousing, packaging, and security. Systems in this department include wholesale mode system, security management, warehousing coordination system and inventory system. This department ensures day-to-day supervision of receiving and distribution of funds within the organization. Maintenance of records if also a function here. Systems in this department include the cashier system and database recovery system. High Burry Suppliers has no computer on their premises, and all ordering takes place manually. This results to data loss. The business has no website and uses very little market except the word of mouth. HBS is on the road to becoming one of the top retailers in the country. There are various business information system that needs to be implemented to ensure this status. The first is Schedule Management System. This will help the top leadership in managing their tight schedules. Additionally, the system will be useful in the management of operations. The second is the Price Look-Up System and log-in system. This system will be useful in tracking down all the transactions within the firm. The third is the Operations Manager System. This system will be useful to the sales department since it is involved in the running of day-to-day operations. The system is crucial in making the company more productive and will work in collaboration with the Sales Supervisor System, which will be the fourth system to be implemented. The fifth system to be implemented is the Inventory System. This system will be useful in integrating information, transportation, and inventory. There are many benefits associated with this proposed information system.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Greek Civilization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Greek Civilization - Assignment Example The major thinkers that have existed in this world have roots in ancient Greece. The civilization of the Greeks grew in small city-states (Montgomery, para 4). An individual city-state was made up of a town which was surrounded by many other villages. There was a lot of farmland from where town residents could get their food. Many of the small city-states of the Greek civilization had a lot of rivalries; they were characterized by constant fighting. It is, however, important to note that the citizens of particular city states were very patriotic and took a keen interest in affairs of their states. Among those many city states, two of them were most significant; the Sparta state and the Athens state. These cities are known to have been the first to establish mature democracies. It was difficult for these states to form a single united nation(Montgomery, para 13-17,). However, a few things bound them together; their language was common, religion and cultural practices played this important role. This gave the ancient Greeks a feeling that they were totally different people compared to others whom they tagged as barbarians. Ancient Greek civilization is much attributed to its formidable political structures as well as geographical location. These two factors placed it in a strategic position which accelerated its growth and development. Geographical factors were the prime reason for its growth, compared to other near eastern civilizations, the Greek civilization existed between several ranges of mountain ranges.

Friday, July 26, 2019

India and China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

India and China - Essay Example As mothers, they used to take care of their homes and their children and ensure that their daughters end up marring a rich person. In India, a female serves several roles throughout her life at different stages of life. Every female is expected to go through two stages of life, the first stage is when an Indian female assumes the position as a daughter in Indian family and the second stage is when she assumes the position of being a wife along with a daughter in law in her life. As an Indian female child or daughter, the parents of an Indian girl expect her to enjoy her life, concentrate on her studies and become an obedient child to her parents. For example, Sita in Sarena Nanda’s article named â€Å"Arranging a Marriage in India† states that as a child her family does not expects her to find a boyfriend and a future partner for her and instead want her to leave this task on their shoulders while she continues to have fun and enjoy their life (Hirschberg 192). This eve n means that parents of Indian families expect their daughters to be dependent on them for major decisions of their life such as deciding about the person whom she is going to get married to and spend her life with. Another important point stated in Nanda’s article is that when a girl is married to a boy in India, the girl does not only gets married to the individual male, she even agrees to be committed with entire family of her husband. For example, when Sita was asked about how she can get married to a person she does not know, she responded that her parents conduct a background check on the family of her future possible husband. This means that at an early age, her parents have already injected it in her mind that after she gets married she even has to serve the family of her husband. In the ancient Chinese era, the Chinese families expected the female children to accept that the males of the society were elites and they were subordinates to them. This is evident in the a rticle named â€Å"China Chic: East Meets West† as it has been stated that the activity of foot binding was limited to the female gender and at a very early age this activity was conducted to ensure that the size of female feet remains smaller than the size of the male feet to symbolize male dominance (Steele 416). The females of the ancient Chinese era were even expected to accept that no matter how weak their male counterparts were, they were still elites and dominant. This explanation is correct as foot binding was especially under taken during the period when the Chinese were experiencing defeats and in order to boost the morale of the military officials, foot binding was used to make them feel superior. Chinese women were even expected by their family members, especially by their mothers to look sexually attractive so they can compete against concubines in order to attract their male counterparts. Steele asserts that small feet were perceived to be very sexually attracti ve, thus females of ancient Chinese used to be involved in the act of foot binding. The process of foot binding even reflects that Chinese women during the ancient Chinese period were expected to marry a rich husband and in order to attract such a husband, their families used to bind their feet at a very early age and their children used to accept the activity in a very brave manner. Steele’s text even highlights that the role of a mother was to ensure

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Identify and Summarize Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Research Paper

Identify and Summarize Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Management - Research Paper Example The system works to protect those who are accused as well; they have rights and opportunities under the system to protect themselves. In today’s criminal justice system the potential pitfalls are not seen to be a problem as much as it has been in the past. The criminal justice system is equal and is said not to take religion, race or any social differences into consideration because this would show unequal rights. The rule is that no difference such as the above should reflect the proper application of law. The drawback of the â€Å"unwritten† code in the Criminal Justice System is that colleagues will always side with each other as they will know each other on a personal level; this would be seen as bias. The law enforcement agencies are seen as â€Å"union† which means they all stick together. This has advantaged as working well together helps the system. However on the other hand the serious amount of power that is given to them that could be abused through th e legal system. The Criminal Justice System has three parts to it legislative, adjudication and corrections. Legislative means the law that is created, adjudication is the courts and corrections is the prisons and jails. The Criminal Justice System is made from the three parts above and all agencies work together under the law, to prevent crime and to follow procedures correctly. In America there is a need to defend, protect and shield themselves and their properties. The formation of laws is an essential structure of fortification and the organization of a system to pertain and to impose these laws, is crucial. In this work I will be looking at the contemporary issues in criminal justice management and comparing and contrasting different community organizational and individual’s responses to contemporary. The Criminal Justice System is set to be, â€Å"The purpose of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is to deliver justice for all.† Criminal Justice is the fundamental system of institution and organizations of governments focussed at preserving crime and stopping crime. The system works to protect those who are accused as well; they have rights and opportunities under the system to protect themselves. The ethical codes in the Criminal Justice System show similarities, however only a minority mentions the Bill of Rights. The Code of Ethics in the Academy of Criminal Justice Science is widespread. The Academy has been told about the issues surrounding them, some say they may misuse powers and try to influence results and misuse their authority in a wrong way. The members of the Academy should make sure they produce results fairly for everyone. The Code of Ethics could be interpreted slightly different to different states however the main principle is all the same. An ethical code by definition supplies a dilemma at times. Ethics is about personal views and personal opinions as everyone interprets meanings and definitions differently. The ethical co de should be there to give guidelines to someone who is new to the system. The interesting factor was that the ethical code was not seen to be standard and that the code varied from state to state. However the following declaration "The American correctional Association expects of its members unfailing honesty, respect for the dignity and individuality of human beings and a commitment to professional and compassionate

Celebration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Celebration - Essay Example The paper discusses that there are two traditional festivals attributed to the Islamic faith, which includes Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, both of which are observed according to the lunar Islamic months or sighting of the moon. The term Eid simply means festivity, happiness or joy; consequently, both the Eids are considered to be synonymous with happiness. The Muslims in Saudi Arabia begin the 1st day of Shawwal with Fajr prayer, one of the five daily obligatory prayers. The houses are especially cleansed and decorated all over the country to welcome the festival. After it, some sweet dish is taken, which has already been cooked for Eid day by women. The Saudis wear new clothes, which are specially prepared for this day, and start gathering for another prayer, called Eid prayer, which is generally offered in some vast ground, field or spacious mosque (Cartright~Jones, 2001:5). Before offering the prayer, the Saudis pay fit ran or charity to the deserving and needy people, from all family members, which is obligatory for every Muslim. To conclude, it becomes evident that both the Eids contain meaning and message in their nature and scope. Celebrating the festivals reflect the true spirit of the faith that all humans are equal in the eyes of the Creator, and only the pious and sacrificing enjoys superior status according to the noble teachings of the faith. Since Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha serve as the two sole religious-cultural festivals of the country, the Saudis take very active part to celebrate them in an exciting and thrilling manner.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Evalute the implementation of the UK last government's PE, School Essay

Evalute the implementation of the UK last government's PE, School Sport and Club Links (PESSCL) strategy and its impact in schools - Essay Example ports and Culture called upon the citizens and the local authorities to be united so as to realize and maximize the benefits of the programmes to young people. The plan was focused mainly the school. This is because in school the different categories of children meet from different communities. Therefore when the programme is in school, the children after their studies will expand the skills to the communities. It was very to united pupils and students in schools than in communities. This is because it had a focus in developing and nurturing the talents of the individuals both in school and community (Barbieri 2011, pg.133). To establish a National Infrastructure for PE and School sports by creating about 400 Specialist Sports Colleges, subject to sufficient high quality applications, by 2005 and 400 School Sport Coordinator partnerships by 2006 It was believed that this would enhance the pupil’s concentration, commitment in their studies and high level of self – esteem thereby improving overall performance in class. To ensure this, the government created a wide network scope of about 450 School Sport Partnerships across the entire country. The Partnership Development Manager (PDM), School Sport Co-ordinator (SSCo) in every Secondary school and the Primary Link Teacher (PLT) acted as the main stakeholders of the plan and were mandated with the responsibility of ensuring the strategy succeeded in schools. According to the results of the PE & Sport Survey by TNS-BMRM, 2010, it showed that most of the aims were achieved to higher percentage. It was realized that by the academic year 2009/2010, about 84% of the pupils were spending about 120 minutes per week in PE. This was an increase from the results obtained in the 2003/2004 academic year. It is important to highlight that this trend has been maintained from the academic year of 2003/2004 to the academic year 2009/2010 among all the children in most of the schools in the UK. I therefore state that the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 13

Finance - Essay Example discounted payback period, accounting rate of return, net present value, internal rate of return, modified rate of return and profitability index (Shapiro & Balbirer, 2003, pp.242). However, I find Net Present Value (NPV) as the most reliable capital budgeting technique. I will support my point by providing a thorough comparative analysis of NPV with the four most common techniques, accounting rate of return, payback period and internal rate of return. Each method is explained with the help of numerical examples found in the Appendix. Net Present Value is a technique which takes into account the time value of money. NPV for a project is calculated by finding out the present value (PV) of all the future cash flows, which the investment in the project is expected to generate. The PV of future cash flows is found by discounting them at the expected rate of return or cost of capital. Then, sum of the PV of all cash flows is compared with the cost of investment (Hampton, 1998, pp. 328). The selection criterion of a project is that, if the PV of future cash flows is greater than the initial cost of investment, the project should be selected. In other words, NPV tells us the present worth of cash flows which would be generated by the project in future; hence, if the initial investment that we make today is less that the expected cash flows present value, it means we will cover our cost, only then it will be wise to select a project. The formula to calculate NPV is sum of present values of future cash flows minus initial investment cost. A rule says that any project which has NPV greater than $0 should be selected, however, in case of mutually exclusive projects; where you have to choose one out of all the alternatives, choose the one which shows a higher NPV. The following paragraphs will carry out an in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using this technique, so that we can have a clearer idea about situations when it can highly aid investment

Monday, July 22, 2019

For all the Tea in China by Sarah Rose Essay Example for Free

For all the Tea in China by Sarah Rose Essay â€Å"For all the Tea in China -How England Stole the Worlds Favorite Drink and Changed History † as the subtitle foreshadows the story already. Before I had even read the book I assumed it would be a journey of betrayal, action and only closed off to the events that occur res as Robert Fortune underhandedly takes chinas precious tea right from underneath theyre own noses. But little did I know that it Sarah Rose has incorporated all the events essential to the to cultivation of tea in the mid Nineteenth-century. In Audition to this Historical non-fiction story that may be boring to others, or as one of my fellow classmates would put it â€Å"Ive been spacing out throughout the book† I Believe that Sarah Rose Has painted a Vivid image of the nineteenth century, with out a single page, paragraph, or sentence wasted with unnecessary knowledge to the readers view from how the Royal Horticultural Society of England and the East India Company affected Englands economy, traditions were also created based off of tea shipment such as the Annual Tea race. And how World Changed Englands East India Company to officially close down. Robert Fortune, a Scottish gardener, botanist, and worlds best plant hunter, famously known for his The British tea Heist which Sarah Rose writes passionately and was inspired by Scott Anderson in this book, and in audition famous for bringing back and documenting new oriental plants from China to England. Such as lovely tree peonies, and the uniquely streaked ornamental plant Hosta Fortunei. which was named after Robert fortune himself along with some other oriental plants found under his own travels not during the multiple expeditions he was sent to do by the East India Company. Fortune while undergoing the process in sending India seeds that are healthy and germinated.. but how?Fortune had realized that transporting the seeds in side packages while shipped doesnt stop the life cycle so the seeds that were in anything but soil were unsuccessful because the environment was unsuitable for the next step of its life which was the sapling. Buy having the tea seeds in the layers of soil and in the warden cases protected from sea spray forced the seeds to germinate with little watering because, of the warden cases the water that evaporated would just collect and drop back to the tea plant because of the morning due. Which has never been done before and changed the way of transporting seeds across seas for decades to come, and also solved the problem of transporting larger plants such as towering red woods and,England were now able to transport a whole species in there easy to tend to seed forms. The reason why Fortune had to take on this task of stealing Chinas tea secret was because. In the early nineteenth century China and Britain had a shaky relationship of trading Englands opium that China was so addicted to for theyre finest tea which grew high among the finger like mountain karsts of Wuyi in the Fujian provenances. But it was China who Threaten to grow and sell there own opium, and Britain couldnt let that happen because England relied on that finance to fund there tea budget And so if China wanted to play that way so will the British, therefore they sent Fortune. Poorer Qualities of tea already existed trying to compete with chinas finest tea in the Experimental grounds a part of the Himalayas in India run by the British. But could not duplicate the process of making tea itself or how its grown with out the precious knowledge china was keeping from them world. When Fortune succeeded it had Put Britain at the center of trade because there companies would produce safer qualities of tea because the Chinese where slowly killing people with dyes and pigments used in paints to color green tea, which sealed Britains choice with the already popular black tea. And also the hold of opium production as well as tea production, and civilization helped. Fortunes First 12 month period trip was spent travelin g to the Zhejiang and Anhui provenances for Green Tea. He had to disguise himself as a well paid merchant which wasnt enough to get noticed but held enough respect he usually was given. He needed to do deceive the local Chinese and Tea producers in order to get the information but there was no detail in how he did it, which I thought it would be a lot more exhilarating to know the master plan of how he was able to deceive so easily and to be trusted with that much valuable information, and most importantly needed the information of how to process and grow tea or it would be useless to get the thousands of seeds and saplings necessary to start a growing tea profitably with out having a clue of doing so and let them die. Also During Fortunes Expedition it would be impossible to travel the multiple provenances of China with out a Guide or Help to carry his Warden cases by him self hence he had to hire servants a collie whom preferred to be called that and Wang a business negotiator which served well but was easily influenced into trouble to a common trait that most Chinese did at the time it was called the â€Å"Squeeze† which was extracting money illegally from someone trying to earn a few bucks. And handful of trouble came from Fortunes servants betrayal because Fortune would treat them as any regular employee as they made mistakes or bad decisions that would jeopardize his goal he would punish them fairly but backfired. Another tradition the Chinese have Is called Face which is the equivalent of dignity or prestige, but the actual way it works is still really foggy due to lack of detail about this subject. So when Fortunes two servant were hired to serve him and he relied on them a lot which gave them a large amount of face, but because of a situation when his collie pulled a â€Å"Squeeze.† It Jeopardized his masters safety but it was fortune who settled the feud by having him return the money and apologize which humiliated Collie that caused him to lose face. During Fortunes second expedition to retrieve black tea from the Steep mountain of Wuyi, since both teas were so different and should be treated as two different plants there for Fortune was ordered to take two separate trips. Fortune had hired another servant named Sing Hoo he wasnt was a collie but he was strong and he was intelligent but not a businessmen man, the new loyal servant of Fortunes â€Å"had once been in the service of a high-ranking mandarin affiliated with the imperial family at Peking.† and also bore arms of his former office of the imperial court signified as a flag and serves as a passport throughout the country, it was a gift from the a former master. And during this second trip Fortune disguised himself as a high ranking mandarin from beyond the Great Wall of China which I thought would be hasty compared to lying low on the first trip. Also I thought it was amusingly clever that he chose the people from beyond the Great wall because, they were known for being abnormally taller height than the rest of the population in china which gave an explanation for Fortunes height while infiltrating China. If not for Fortunes treacherous task and constant awareness no matter what might of happened to make Fortune hate the country, he could probably hate every single thing in china but I doubt he would never be able to hate Chinas beauty from there great dense bamboo Forests off theyre proud mountains to the peaceful city of serenity named Zhejiang. Fortune was also a naturalist who was touched, and changed, by China and its treasures largely unseen by western eyes, in which found even more beautiful than the landscape of his own country. Green Tea was a failure because they had withered even before it had reached India of the improper shipping technique. Even though it had failed Black tea was a success which Changed history Forever in Britains favor Trade wise. I had also thought even though its not a picture book I would recommend a diagram of important people of the East India Company and The Royal Horticultural Society of England. And definitely a Map of Fortunes Travels Both trips to India and Maybe that trip to Japan.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How culture has influenced accounting

How culture has influenced accounting Many studies have demonstrated that culture diversity had influenced accounting practice within national and international borders. Accounting can therefore be said to have been influenced by its environment, which includes the culture of the country in which it is being operated (Nobes Parker, 2008) Mueller et al. (1994), cited in al, also stipulate that each accounting system is a product of its specific culture and environment, and that different patterns of accounting are associated with a range of cultural factors such as societal values, religion, political systems and historical values. It is however no thought that those countries with same or similar cultural values or background are practicing accounting similarly. The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the extent to which these cultural values influence the practice of accounting and how the understanding of the role of culture in accounting can help us understand international accounting standards. The work of Hofstedes cultural value differences and Grays accounting values will be the major focal point of this paper. The relationship that exists between cultural values, accounting values and financial reporting will be examined as well. DIFFERENCES IN CULTURAL VALUES Culture is a way of life of a group of people, which includes the behaviours, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. The position that the ideas, meanings, beliefs and values people learn as members of society determine human nature. To support this definition, Hofstede, one of the greatest researchers of culture differences, defined culture as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes members of one human group from another,( cited in Nobes parker 2008. p 25) For the purpose of comparability, this paper will base its analysis on Hofstedes work on cultural value difference and grays work on accounting values to see their impact on accounting practice and reporting. (Hofstede, 1984 p. 83, 84) defined and summarized four Cultural dimensions as, individualism and Collectivism, Large versus small power distance, Strong versus weak uncertainty avoidance, masculinity versus femininity. He also stipulates that there exist specific relationship in these cultural dimensions. Individualism versus collectivism is how in a society one group will prefer a much closed family system while the other group prefer belonging to an expanded family system. This cultural dimension looks at how society handles interdependence among individuals. The second cultural dimension, large versus small power distance seeks to divide a society between those few powerful groups of people who prefer power to be distributed unequally through institutions and organizations and those who feel that power should be distributed equally. This dimension addressed how a society handles inequalities amongst a people when they occur. The third cultural dimension by Hofstede, is the strong versus weak uncertainty avoidance which is, the extent to which members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity .This feelings leads them to believing in promising certainty and to maintain institutions protecting conformity. He explained that a society with strong uncertainty avoidance maintained rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of deviant people and ideas. The weak uncertainty maintain a more relaxed atmosphere in which practice counts more than principles and deviance is more tolerated. Masculinity and femininity, which is the last but not the least of the four cultural dimensions, describes masculinity as the preference, in a Society for achievements, heroism, assertiveness, and material success. Femininity on the other hand was said to represent a society where preference for relationships, modesty, caring for the weak and the quality of life is high. ACCOUNTING VALUES AND CULTURAL VALUES It is based on these Hofstedes classification of cultural dimensional differences that Gray (1988) also proposed a connection between those cultural dimensions and accounting values by specifically identifying four accounting values which includes; professionalism(implies self-regulation by the accounting profession itself) versus statutory (implies control by the government), uniformity (adherence to consistency and detailed regulations) versus flexibility (implies able to amend or adjust to suite a situation), conservatism (implies the tendency to under state profit and assets) versus optimism and secrecy (implies a preference for confidentiality) versus transparency ( implies disclosure of true state of affairs). The first two relates to authority and enforcement of accounting practice at a country level while the second two relates to the measurement and disclosure of accounting information at a country level as (cited in Nobes and Parker, 2008). Grays accounting values and Hofstedes cultural difference can be group into two categories. This paper will like to refer to these two groups as the collectivism category and the individualism category. The individualism category is made up of Professionalism, flexibility, transparency, optimism, individualism, small power distance, weak uncertainty avoidance and femininity. This category has the characteristic of self-reliance or self-interest and therefore in a society where individualism, small power distance, weak uncertainty and femininity dominate, accounting practice and financial reporting is likely to be professional, flexible, transparent and optimistic. Secondly the individuals quest for information to make decision on investments to satisfy his/her personal needs will prefer detailed report of a financial statement. This paper will like to associate this category to that of a capitalist society where the accounting regulations are not part of the common law but rather are in the hands of professional organisations of the private sector as stipulated in Alexander et al. (2009 p. 28). For instance in the UK, accounting laws and regulations are control by professional bodies such as the ACCA, CA, CIMA, and IASB. It can again be said that countries that practice the common law are also likely to practice accounting the same way. They are considered to be capitalism countries since they raises funds from the capital. They include, United Kingdom, Ireland Canada, Australia and the United States of America The second category of Hofstede cultural value difference and that of grays accounting values The collectivism category is made up of collectivism, large power distance, strong uncertainty avoidance masculinity and grays accounting values of statutory control, uniformity, conservatism and secrecy. This category has the characteristics of being control from a common source or being centrally planned. Countries or societies found to be dominant with these cultural and accounting values are more likely to practice accounting in the same way. The practice of accounting in this society or country is control by statutory institutions with detailed rules and regulations. The practice of accounting and reporting in these societies or countries will be geared towards the dictates of those in powers or in control. No detailed accounting is required and secrecy and conservatism dominates in the financial reporting (Kosmala-Maclullich, 2003). Here again this paper will associate this category of a society or a country to that of a socialist country where accounting laws and regulations are enshrine in the coded laws of the country. Governments in these countries use financial reports for their own purpose. The Democratic Republic of Germany adopted the Soviet Unions socialist ideologies after the Second World War. This adaptation included a methodological guidance in designing accounting information systems (Berry, 1982: 1890). Bailey (1990) also stipulates that the Marxism Theoreticians view the western-style accounting as an instrument for the exploitation of workers by the capitalists, accounting and financial reporting was therefore geared towards the dictates of those in authority. Young and David (1999) argued that Accounting activities at the enterprise level were focused exclusively on the preparation of reports required by the planning bureaucracy, and during this period, accounting was only seen as a primary source of information for the provision of financial statistics for the use in the preparation of budget; it was therefore a list of quantities instead of values. Accounting was more or less reduced to a clerical job; there was no professionalism in the practice. Judgemen t of reports (true and fair) was not entertained; standardisation was non-existence and so was the concept of profit, in short accounting standards and procedures were not in existence. Accounting in China Another country worth looking at is china which has a long history of cultural value which is characterise with collectivism, high in power distance, strong uncertainty avoidance and femininity. The Chinese will not mind sacrificing himself for the good collectivism or country (Yao F. 2007). The practice of accounting and reporting is control by the state under the auspices of the ministry of finance and the aim of this control is to gear the practice towards the general benefit of the planned economy. The user of accounting information is mainly the government, because most enterprises in china are owed by the state. The few individual who try to do some investments do not know much about accounting and finance. (Yao F. 2007). Although the state had accounting standards for Business Enterprises, they were just mere basic rules which were issued in conjunction with basic standards, as argued by Lin et al. (2001). There where however restrictions on some important accounting principles such as making provision for bad debts and obsolete inventories, recognition of impairments of assets, disclosure of financial information and many more. Secrecy and conservatism was dominant in financial reporting. Professionalism, transparency and flexibility were non-existence. Accountin g profession was reduced to a very low status. The dynamics of cultural values brought about a change in financial reporting by these countries with strong cultural values. As a result of the world becoming a small village and the growing of Multinational companies across the world, there is the need for comparability of financial Reports since its purpose is to help investors make informed and sound decisions. Based on the fact that the world is becoming a small place and countries need each other for their survival, most of the socialists countries like the East Germany, Portugal, Poland, Italy, and France have all adopted the capitalism system of financial reporting. The Chinese government, also have realise the need for adopting the international financial reporting standard (IFRS) which is being champion by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB), but yet it only talked about the convergence of the accounting standard and not a totally acceptance. (Yao F. 2001) Conclusion It is quite obvious that cultural values have influenced the practice and reporting of accounting and countries with similar cultural values practicing accounting similarly. With the world becoming a global village and the fast cultural changes across the world, the need for harmonization and convergence of accounting standards was given a serious consideration by centrally planned countries, but a country like China, although have made efforts to embrace international financial reporting system, is still holding on to some of its cultural accounting practices. This is an indication that so far as cultural values remain different, accounting practice will be affected and the only way out is the harmonization and convergence of accounting standards.

China Daily Asia Weekly News Agency Analysis

China Daily Asia Weekly News Agency Analysis Findings on China Daily Asia Weekly News Agency China Daily Asia Weekly news agency has been used by us in reporting the issue of demonstration in Hong Kong. We have monitored this news agency for one month started from 1st October 2014 until 30th October 2014. We were observing the news agency in terms of the format of news they portray. The format of news includes total of news reported per day, photos and videos the author uploaded, the paragraph of each news, the author of the news and the theme of the news reported. The total number of news that have been collected by us for one month is 120 news. The news reported in China Daily Asia Weekly are mostly neutral in terms of news slant. However, there is some news reported by them that is negative western but it is just a minority in number. Besides, China Daily Asia Weekly news agency also did not provide any subtitle for their news. Moreover, the news source for each news are mostly the government which includes Chief Executive, Ministry’s Spokeswoman, Secretary General and many more. However, there is also minority news that have demonstrators as their news sources such as the leader of Federation of students and many more. To begin with the analysis, we will start by explaining on the total number of news reported per day by China Daily Asia Weekly. The total numbers of news are vary to each day. The highest numbers of news reported per day is 13 news while the least number is zero news per day. There were no news reported by China Daily Asia Weekly regarding the demonstration issue in Hong Kong on 12th, 19th, 25th and 31st of October 2014. The highest number of news reported was on 6th of October 2014. There is also 1 news reported per day on 17th, 28th, and 29th October 2014. Mostly news reported on 6th of October were talked about the negative consequences that have been caused by the protesters movement. We also noticed that the news on the issue of demonstration in Hong Kong reported by China Daily Asia Weekly were becoming lesser towards the end of the month. The total numbers of news reported per day is high until 8th of October 2014 and then decreased to 1 news reported on 9th of October. After 9th of October, the news reported regarding the issue were become lesser until the end of the month and the higher news reported after 9th of October was 6 news per day which is on 16th of October 2014. Thus, we can conclude that the issue in Hong Kong are becoming less popular to be reported by China Daily Asia Weekly news agency than the beginning of the month and maybe it is because of the issue is going to meet its solution soon. Second thing to be analyse is about the photos and videos the author uploaded in each news per day. China Daily Asia Weekly has not posted any video in their news. The agency only posted photos to their readers and the photos are all in colour. However, the highest total number of photos the agency uploaded on each news is 3 photos and the least is no photo uploaded on news. The highest number of photos uploaded was on 15th of October and about 39 news were reported without any photos on it. In addition to that, if we want to compare on the frequency of the photos uploaded by the agency, we can say that half of the news with 68 numbers of news reported has 1 photo uploaded on it and only 7 news that has 2 pictures on it. Besides that, each of the photos uploaded on the news were also come with the description under it that represent the situation of the photos. From this, we can see that China Daily Asia Weekly news agency is not emphasize more on photos and videos as the highest number of photos uploaded per news is only 3 photos. Thirdly, another thing to be analyse is regarding the numbers of paragraph written on each news. As we have observed from the data we collected, the highest number of paragraph is 23 paragraph and it was on 2nd of October where the news entitled â€Å"Occupy taking luster off Golden Week† was reported. The news is about the decreasing of sales for retail sectors to making some profit on the Golden Week holiday as the date is usually the great time for them in getting more profit. This is because of the protesters movement who blocked the roads which then prevent their customer. The least paragraph written in the news is 4 paragraph. There is some news that have only 4 paragraph in there which is on 3rd, 13th and 22nd of October 2014. The news that have 4 paragraphs on it is usually reported about announcement and economics. It cannot be conclude that the least number of paragraph per news, the less credibility of news they convey as the credibility of news cannot be seen through the length of the paragraph written because sometimes it is only the repetition of previews news. However, the least paragraph of the news is actually portray the less significance of the news to the readers. Next, we further our observation to the authors of the news reported. From one month observation, we found that there are two authors that written most of the news in China Daily Asia Weekly news agency. The authors’ names are Timothy Chui and Kahon Chan. Timothy Chui has written total numbers of 31 news from the beginning until the end of October. Same goes to Kahon Chan who started written the news from the 1st of October until the end of the month and have written the total numbers of 31 news. There is also some news that have been taken from the International news agency which is Reuters. In addition to that, there is also some authors that only wrote one news in China Daily Asia Weekly such as the news written by Andrea Deng, Selena Li, and Edmond Tang. We also found that there are several news that have been wrote by two authors. There were only 3 news that have been written by two authors while majority of news reported are from single author. From the observation of th e authors of news reported, we can conclude that Timothy Chui and Kahon Chan are the reporters that have significant roles or works in China Daily Asia Weekly news agency as they covered more news than other authors did. Finally, we were also focussing on the theme or denominator of each news that have been reported. We can see that from 30 days of observations, the most common theme and denominator of the news is talked about the negative consequences and effects of demonstration. There are about 30 news that talked about the negative effects of the protests towards the citizens. Among them are the news written by Ming Yeung and Wang Yuke on 1st of October where they wrote about how the protesters or demonstrators endanger the life of the people in Hong Kong. They wrote in their news about how the protest cause chaos and bad traffic to the streets that trouble the local emergency services such as Ambulance Fire Fighters to reach the victims on time. They reported on their news that said, â€Å"Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Joseph Leung Wai-hung told the media on Tuesday that emergency services have fallen significantly short in their promise to reach those in dire need, that is, to respond to emergen cy situations within 12 minutes†. There is also other news on the same theme which talked about negative impacts of demonstration to the citizens. The news written by Celia Chen and Agnes Lu covered about how the businessman and businesswoman live around the paralyzed districts encounter great loss to their business. They wrote that some of the workers in some affected restaurants have been forced to take leave as the tourists absent. Among the restaurants and hotels that have been affected by this demonstration protest is Tung Yuen Banquet on Hennessy Road, Wan Chai. The manager of the eatery told China Daily that, â€Å"On Fridays, we normally had bookings for at least 20 tables in the past, but tonight, for instance, we only have three tables booked. There is many other news that have talked on the negative consequences and effects of demonstration protests. Besides that, other common denominator that is usually found in the news is calling for peace. There are some news reported in China Daily Asia Weekly that talked about the public calling for peace and put an end to the protest. There is a news reported by Timothy Chui on 5th of October 2014 that wrote about a man who climbed up roof of footbridge just to call demonstrators to end the protests and clear the roads. The man surnamed Yip climbed onto the roof of a footbridge around 1 pm to call demonstrators to end their sit in and clear roads. After 4 hours and 45 minutes the police negotiators tried to calm the man down, finally they were able to bring him down. However, he demanded to speak with protest organizers and delivering an hour long speech to express his feeling that he would rather die rather than seeing his daughter are not able to return to school because of the protests. This shows that mostly news in China Daily Asia Weekly portray the news about the negative impacts of protests. This also can be conclude that this news agency view â€Å"Occupy Central† which is the name of the protest as irrelevant and cause harm to many people.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Azusa Street revival of 1906 to 1909 Essay -- Religion History

The Azusa Street revival of 1906 to 1909 was an event that popularised the practice of charismatic worship first in the United States and eventually throughout the Christian world. However, representations of the revival in the early years of the 20th century were biased, and distorted the events that occurred. Early believers portrayed the revival as an eschatological narrative in which the power of God came down to earth and revolutionised the church, especially with the gift of tongues. Pentecostal historians later mythologised Azusa Street representing the revival as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. On the other hand, conservatives portrayed the events of the revival as unbiblical and sinful, while secular critics depicted the revival as a phenomenon which was irrational and defied human logic. After the civil war, protestant churches began to ignore the significance of emotional expression in worship. According to historian Thomas Nicole, American churches transformed into ‘dignified, rational, middle class congregations’ which limited emotional expression. In contrast, various fringe groups fought the cold formalism that had developed in American Christianity as they believed that the power of the Holy Spirit would soon move in charismatic power as prophesied in Joel 2:28-32. By 1906, great anticipation had built up in such groups located in Los Angeles as Menzies explains that several congregations held prayer meetings which cried for ‘a Pentecost’ in Los Angeles’. It appears that ministers began to represent Los Angeles as the centre, out of which a charismatic outpouring would inevitably occur. Frank Bartleman for example reported that the people of Los Angeles would soon find themselves ‘in the throes of a mighty... ... after a century ( Kingfield: Sheffield Academic) 1999. Larry Martin,, retrieved on 25th may 2009. Lum Clara, Pentecost has come, The Apostolic Faith . 1(1), 1906. Menzies, William, W., Anointed to serve: The Story of The Assemblies of God. (Springfield: Gospel Publishing House). 1971. Nicole Thomas, Pentecostalism, (New York: Harper and Row) 1966. Owens. Robert R, The Azusa street revival ( Lanham: xulan press) 2005. Robeck Cecil M, The Azusa Street Mission and Revival: The Birthplace of the Global Pentecostal Movement. (Nashville: Nelson reference& electronic) 2006. Synan Vinson, The Holiness Pentecostal tradition, Grabd rapids Michigan: Eerdmans, 1971. Turner, William C, Jr, An East Coast celebration of Azusa: theological implications. Journal of Pentecostal Theology 16 (1) 2007, p 32-45

Friday, July 19, 2019

WWI causes Essay -- World War 1 I One

History Term paper What one thing do you think caused WW1? There in fact were many causes of WW1. One of the causes was imperialism. There was jealousy between the countries because some had more colonies then others. The major countries did not trust each other or get along. They were worried about the build up of each others army. Each country had great pride and nationalism. By 1914 all major countries had taken sides against one another and formed alliances. The immediate cause of WW1 was the assignation of the heir to Austria-Hungary’s throne. At the beginning of the war all countries were enthusiastic about it especially Germany. The countries were divided onto sides like so; Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria. These countries were the central powers. There were also the allies who consisted of Great Britain and colonies, France and Russia. Others got involved eventually. Each country had their own strategy and their own strengths. For example: Great Britain had the strongest navy and Germany had the strongest military. Their strategies were different too, like Germany’s strategy failed because they under estimated Belgium’s army. The battle took longer then they thought. They originally were supposed to defeat Belgium and France quickly so they could fight Russia on the eastern front. Even though Germany’s war plan failed they still ended up dominating most of the war before the Americans arrived. It ended up to be a naval race of who could build their navy the quickest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Russia first came into the war they were starting to dominate. They were going through a lot of trouble within their own country because they had a huge population and not enough resources because the land was frozen. The idea of the country going to war lit a certain spark and nationalism and pride through out the country. Russia going to war actually made them respect their leader Tsar Nicholas II. It was the first decision the Tsar made that the people agreed with. The first few battles they won and the word spread through out Russia and Europe that Russia’s army was unstoppable. This quickly changed and Russia started to loose everywhere. The Russian army started to get wiped out by the thousands. They were being defeated by Germany and other countries everywhere they went. A feeling of uncertainty grew through out the Russian people wh... ... to blame for the war. They believed the only way they can be safe from Germany is if they strip Germany for their wealth and armed forces. The allies made the Treaty of Versailles which stated: Germany pays thirty three billion to France, Belgium and Great Britain; they loose all colonies, loose land to create Poland and Alsace and Lorraine goes back to France. They are limited to an army of one hundred thousand along with no tanks, no u-boats and no airplanes. Germany is never to make an alliance or union with Austria. The Rhineland is to be a demilitarized zone and the French will take control of coal mines and rich industries of the Saar region.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the war first started all countries were anxious to fight. When the Great War ended in 1918 no one wanted to think or even speak of war again. Millions of people were slaughtered and killed, people lost their friends and families. The war took longer then expected and by the end all countries were tired and worn out, had problems of their own and lost a lot of money and land that was put into the war. The countries agreed never to have a war again. Little did they know this was only the first one.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Climate change system

What is Climate Change?The clime is a complex and dynamic system. Throughout the Earth ‘s being, it has changed many times in response to natural procedures. However within the last 50 old ages, the composing of the planetary ambiance has significantly altered. The bulk of scientists now believe this recent clime alteration can be attributed to human activities. Since the industrial revolution, nursery gas degrees in the ambiance have considerably risen bring forthing an enhanced nursery consequence ( UKCIP 2005 ) . The nursery consequence is a natural procedure ; where a per centum of the thermal infrared radiation emitted by Earth is absorbed by a bed of natural nursery gases which reduces the chilling consequence of the Earth ( Met Office 2009 ) . It is widely accepted that, human activity has led to an addition in the concentration of these nursery gases in the ambiance, doing an enhanced nursery consequence. The increased temperatures produced, as a consequence of greater infrared opacity, are referred to as planetary heating. Current grounds of planetary warming comes from increasing ocean temperatures, lifting sea degrees, runing polar ice caps and decreasing snow screen in the Northern Hemisphere ( IPCC 2007 ) . Climate alteration projections suggest that these will go on to take topographic point and that there will be additions in the frequence and strength of utmost conditions events, such as drouths, inundations and tropical storms. Within the last hundred old ages, the planetary mean temperature of the Earth ‘s surface has risen, with 11 of the warmest old ages on record happening during the past 12 old ages ( IPCC 2007 ) . If the planetary heating continues at the present rate, it is predicted that mean planetary temperatures could lift by up to six grades Celsius by the terminal of this century ( DECC 2009b ) .Carbon DioxideThe chief nursery gas responsible for anthropogenetic ( human-made ) clime alteration is carbon dioxide, accounting for about 85 per cent of entire United Kingdom Ã¢â‚¬Ë œs nursery gas emanations ( Defra 2008 ) . The United Kingdom entirely emits about 555 million metric tons of C dioxide per twelvemonth. The largest known part of C dioxide emanations comes from the combustion of fossil fuels ; coal, oil and gas. The burning of fossil fuels has provided the chief energy beginning for all industries since the industrial revolution. Even with current raising fuel monetary values, it is still considered to be an economical method of bring forthing big measures of energy. The C dioxide is released as a bi-product into the ambiance, when the C nowadays in the dodo fuel reacts with O in the air, as the dodo fuel Burnss. The industrial sector bring forthing largest volume of C dioxide emanations is the energy supply sector. Three quarters of the United Kingdom ‘s electricity comes from coal and gas ( DECC 2009b ) . The largest manufacturer of electric within the United Kingdom is DRAX coal fired power station. It generates about 7 % of the United Kingdom ‘s electricity supply, with its operation bring forthing about 23 million metric tons of C dioxide each twelvemonth.Government TargetsThe Governments worldwide have appreciated the demand to cut down nursery gas emanations to forestall farther anthropogenetic clime alteration. The United Kingdom has a figure of aims, both international and domestic, for cut downing nursery gas emanations. The Climate Change Act became jurisprudence on 26 November 2008. The Act sets out the passage program for the United Kingdom to go a low-carbon economic system ( DECC 2009b ) . It gives curates the powers to present new steps necessary to accomplish the nursery gas decrease marks. Under the Climate Change Act the Government is lawfully required to cut emanations by 80 % of the 1990 degree by 2050 ( DECC 2009a ) . In order to accomplish this several intermediate C budgets have been set. Each C budget covers a five twelvemonth period and provides the maximal degrees of nursery gases that can be emitted into the ambiance during the period. Internationally, the United Kingdom has signed up to the Kyoto Protocol. The protocol commits 37 industrialised states, which have signed up, to undertake the issues of planetary heating and nursery gas emanations. The protocol sets lawfully binding marks for the decrease of nursery gases. The cardinal aim of the Kyoto Protocol is to cut down worldwide nursery gas emanations to 5.2 per centum below 1990 degrees, during the five-year period, between 2008 and 2012. The United Kingdom has agreed to cut down its nursery gas emanations by 12.5 per centum.Renewable Energy ProductionThe debut of Government marks creates a demand for alternate emanation free agencies of energy production. In add-on to undertaking clime alteration, the addition of renewable electric coevals reduces the United Kingdom ‘s dependance on non-renewable beginnings for future coevalss. This has led to a recent addition in the development of renewable energy engineerings. Renewable electricity coevals extracts energy from natural resources. It can be considered as emanation free power coevals. The most prevailing methods are solar energy, hydropower, geothermic energy, air current power, wave power, and tidal power. Presently, renewable energy coevals jointly provides about 5 % of the United Kingdom ‘s one-year electricity demand. The Government intends to bring forth around 30 % of our electricity from renewable beginnings by 2020.

Theories of Relativity

Waheed Ahmed The book I take up chosen to double-dyed(a) my ISP journal on is Theories of relativity by Barbara Haworth-Attard. The second half(prenominal) of the book begins with Dylan programmening a excursion to Murdock to try to move in with his grandparents. However, this plan fails miserably when he discoers that his grandm some other(a) has died and his grandfather is soon to follow. His situation only worsens when he returns to Toronto Dylan is brutally beaten by Brendans men for his attempt at outpouring a inditeity with Jenna.To help cope with the fuss of broken bones and sore muscles from the beating, Dylan accepts or so mysterious pills from Jenna. He soon becomes habituated to them and longs for more(prenominal). He then realizes that he has been betrayed by Jenna and soon finds himself indebted to Brendan. Due to the acerbity of these events Dylan begins to reflect on the type of bread and butter he is life story. He is fed up and realizes he needs to tu rn his smell-time around. After being denied another contribute from Glen, Dylan takes the first step to turning his life around by accepting a job offer as inculcate at a computer lab.The master(prenominal) themes of this book would be family relationships, dispossessedness, nature versus facts of life and always staying true to ones moral values. Dylans character is rattling(prenominal) similar to another character named Jesse Pinkman from the picture series Breaking Bad. Jesse is a drug addict and a upstart high school dropout. Jesse finds himself living in the streets after his parents refuse to financially stand-in him. Jesses parents forbid him from reentering their household because they guess he will act as a negative influence on their seemingly perfect son, Gale.However, Jesse has a actually good relationship with his untesteder familiar. Interestingly, Jesse ascertains as though Gale is his personal responsibility erst he discovers that Gale is experime nting with marijuana and headed towards a perverting pathway. The relationship between Jesse and Gale is almost selfsame(a) to Dylans relationship with Micha and Jordan. Jesse feels responsible for Gale because he has experienced that lifestyle and wants to ensure that Gale doesnt follow in his footsteps.Both Dylan and Jesse feel that the parents are not doing a open job and want to intervene for the cash advance of their siblings. Making the connection between these twain very similar characters allows one to correct a more accurate sagaciousness towards why quite a little act the way they do. This connection helped me see another align of Dylan and understand why he cared so much about the wellbeing of Micha and Jordan. solely his efforts were to ensure that they did not end up in his situation.On that same note, Jesse had make the mistake of experimenting with drugs and didnt want his brother to make the same mistake. A major(ip) difference between somewhat(prenomina l) these characters is that Jesses parents were very supportive and helpful, whereas Dylans were the complete opposite. Ultimately it did not matter how their parents brocaded them because their milieu would mold them into different people. Personally, I bathroom also relate to how Dylan and Jesse tangle about not being able to help their siblings.In my case, my cousins parents were not very strict on practicing Islam, the religion that we both shared. I felt as though it was my duty to develop my cousin about the elemental principles of Islam because I felt he was deprived of something rightfully valuable. He was labeled a Muslim but did not piddle the basic understanding of what it meant to be one. However my efforts rendered baseless as my aunt did not assess me teaching her son about Islam because she was Christian and her husband did not have a say in the matter.It was not my make duty to help my cousin til now I only took the responsibility because I felt his paren ts were not doing a worthy job of educating their son about every religion. I felt want the parents were respectable an obstacle between me helping someone. Ultimately, the parents had more authority than me so I was to do what they asked. This experience helped me understand the bewareset of both Dylan and Jesse. No matter how much Dylan scorned drug abuse, ultimately it was not in his control. He became addicted to drugs due to the environmental circumstances.This is the subject of nature versus nurture that Theories of Relativity is structured around. The author shows the reader how an environment such as Dylans can change any person disregardless of race, gender and certainly not age. The author demonstrates just how vulnerable the human mind is to assimilation. The messages the author conveys can also have to the real universe of discourse situation of homelessness. hostel doesnt realize the harsh realities of living on streets and our views are solely found on what we see visually and what the media feeds us. oer 7 000 people are homeless in Toronto as of 2012.After doing some research, I was astonished by how accurately the author has depicted the issues discussed in the book. Issues like prostitution, drug abuse and homelessness are very prominent in my own city The author also raises many grave questions in the book. For example, can an immoral enactment like separateing be justify if it is committed when one is severely expansive? Normally I would automatically disaccord because taking someone elses belongs is extremely wrong. However, in Dylans situation he only stole exactly what he needed to survive, basic necessities.He would steal when he was desperate and there was no other option. In my eyes, if you are young and healthy, like Dylan then you have the faculty to work and support yourself. Based on the book, I believe Dylan did not stay as he stopped seek after his first job interrogate failed. If Dylan kept trying he could h ave been hired and in doing so he could have avoided many problems. On the other hand Dylan had the option of many other illegal and immoral sources of income like change drugs but he stood true to his morals and declined those offers.In relation to the real world I see that the government should crap more programs aimed to help under-aged homeless people. These programs should be more inviting to the homeless and serve as a viable escape track from the street life. It is ridiculous that in a developed country like Canada over 300 000 people are homeless (Bri Trypuc Homeless in Canada) I think after reading this book, we as a society should come together in collaboration and help these homeless people get off the streets and become contribute members of society.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Unit 1 Assignment 1 Windows 2008 Network Services

Unit 1 Assignment 1 Windows 2008 Network function If you run through a routed local anesthetic airfield network and high-speed link up that argon fairly reli satisfactory, you might be able to use one DNS innkeeper for a larger, doubled sub-netted network bea. If you abide a high heel of client nodes on a wholeness subnet design, you might ask to add more than one DNS host to the subnet to provide backup and failover if the preferred DNS innkeeper stops responding.When determining the cast of DNS innkeepers you pick up to use, rate the effect of district impartings and DNS call into question traffic on slower cogitate in your network. Although DNS is designed to help quash broadcast traffic between local subnets, it does create some traffic between hosts and clients that should be reviewed, particularly when utilize in complexly routed LAN or crazy environments. Consider the effects of zone transfer over slower speed links, wish those typically used for a coarse area network (WAN) connection.Windows 7 declare Your UnderstandingAlthough the DNS Server serve up supports incremental zone transfers and DNS clients and servers can cache recently used names, traffic considerations are sometimes subdued an issue, particularly when DHCP leases are shortened and, as a result, dynamic updates in DNS are performed more frequently. One option for transaction with remote locations on WAN links is to set up a DNS server at these locations to provide caching-only DNS service. With most installations, you should have at least two server computers hosting each of your DNS zones for fault tolerance.DNS was designed to have two servers for each zone, one as a primary server and the other as a backup or secondary server. When making any final examination determinations about the number of servers to use, first assess the level of fault tolerance you desire for your network. Because there is no fixed determine to the maximum number of clients a D HCP server can service or to the number of scopes you can create on a DHCP server, the primary factors to consider when you determine the number of DHCP servers to use are network architecture and server hardware.For example, in a single subnet environment, only one DHCP server is necessary, although you whitethorn want to use two servers or deploy a DHCP server forgather for increased fault tolerance. In multiple subnet environments, routers must forward DHCP messages between subnets, so router performance can affect your DHCP service. In both cases, DHCP server hardware affects service to clients.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Executive SummaryMobility, latest trends and technologies are three most significant factors that customer seek today when they walk-in in an electronic item’s outlet. Years before the journey of technology started out from the calculator the most basic computer as we call it. Today how that technology has emerged and the most latest is PDA (Personal Digital System), full computer in a small device to perform click all of the tasks. New Nokia Mobile phone has all the features of a desktop computer, no need of a laptop.You get your product to begin with.The english major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. 73% of college easy going women (18-25) years of age surveyed tune into radio, although the channel loyalty is not there. The most frequent listening occurs after dinner time.This is different from male portable radio listeners as the FM channels are replacing cassettes as a music source while driving, o ther survey shows that second one of the popular source of music are the FM stations, FM 89, 91 and 106.Finding the demographics of your target marketplace will permit you to good tailor the launch strategy to the folks.

180 million), 16.667% of Pakistanis are young. Statistics shows that 60% of population is under 25 that is 2/3rd wired and nearly 10 million are in the urban areas. GEN X and GEN Y is the most experienced  and accessed generation in the human history.A merchandise is a new product procured or produced by the business to meet with the requirements of the customer.Our Secondary objective is to make good profits and make few more products like this with working hand in hand with the fashion and our way would be walking extract from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories.Marketing ResearchMethods of Data collection:Basically there are two methods of data collection:1) Primary Data2) Secondary DataPrimary Data Collection:Primary available Data is that data which is collected specifically for the project at hand. The primary data for our assignment resulted from the unstructured interviews that we conducted from different many friends and family members and also many strangers.Secondary Data Collection:Secondary Data is that data, which has already been collected for some other purpose but can be used as reference material.The aim is getting your product into the industry although delivery methods vary widely based on the product.

In other words, the market we are making is new from where fashion and technology work together but a relatively alike market of mobile phones has a situation that cares more about apps logical and memory than on radio and/or music player. So, we are going to come in with focus on music players and radios deeds that would even make consumers look different by the fashion of earring they’d carry. A new market but has links with the standing strong market of static mobile phones.The ProductIntroduction of product:Now days, mobility is becoming an important factor in electronic devices.A superb product isnt simple to define since itll mean things.Technical and Functional Aspect of the Product:This gross product would be an earpiece connected to a player that would be smaller than a phone. Both the devices would be connected via Bluetooth. Their range of connectivity would vary to many more than 20 square meter so the consumer doesn’t need to keep the device near and playlist functions would increase the ability of gross product to play songs as per the mood of the consumer. Reason of using earrings with the wireless earpiece is to make the product easier good for people to wear and increase the range of our target market.To start with, youre mindful of how much it costs to create your merchandise.

Issue: How to identify the potential outlets?Mission statement:â€Å"We are the followers of the latest trend we strongly believe that fashion develops, we provide the best and quality is never compromised. Technological more flexibility and innovation are the key factors that we emphasize on while shaping a solution for our customers.† Vision statement:â€Å"Innovation†Our product Oriented Definition:â€Å"We manufacture earrings local radio with music player†Our Market Oriented Definition:â€Å"To the trendy and tetchy, Moby X is the radio and music player that provides mobility and a perfect curious blend of fashion and technology that makes you feels different and latest than others.†Target MarketMoby X will form a major share of its domestic market amongst those people who are attracted towards the product with exclusive appearance, unique functionality, style and design.Describe the way your target marketplace free will get your merchandise and also how youll market your goods.The mini chip radio and music player in the earrings itself is fascinating and will communicate on its own towards the people who are engrossed through mini products.Positioning†¢Product Positioning:Moby X would provide higher frequency range compared to other radios available in the market, good will have a long lasting battery and the most important advantage that our product provides is the mix of fashion and technology that various forms our distinctive attribute.Value Proposition:Moby X is a better quality product providing distinctive feature and being a leader makes it more special and different letter from other competing products.  LAPCO using latest Japanese technologies is most reliable and durable.In the product description, you should explain what product or your service is, the particular thrust of apply your strategy and the strategies thatll be used to do your own objectives.

†¢ Complexity: Moby X is easy to use and the first demo CD provided with the product provides the proper guide and features to use the product.†¢ Divisibility: Moby X is an expensive product and initially no discounted rates can be offered.†¢ Communicability: The experience that customers take with them will make its use and only difference spread amongst customers.Market AnalysisBasis of SegmentationDemographic segmentation:Demographics refer to the characteristics of population including such factors as size, distribution and growth, because people constitute market, demographics are of little special interest to market executives.In the end, it is not mysterious and youll be able position to promote your company or to manage a person to deal with advertising for you once you understand how pieces fit together.Any one lying in the income bracket of Rs 50,000+ can afford this productPsychographic Segmentation:The psychographics of the Moby X can be analyzed by r eviewing the advertisement. The lifestyle shown in Moby X advertisements portray successful, sophisticated, professional women who are active energetic and full of life. Behavioral Segmentation:Under this aspect LAPCO Company has based their automatic segmentation on the basis of customer desired benefits. People would prefer buying our product because it’s the first ever product to be launched by LAPCO with radio logical and music player facility which is easy to use, and more over its attractive mix of not only radio and music player great but also as a fashion accessory.The plan has to be accessible to any employee at any given moment.

Proper awareness about the product logical and the setting of the frequencies accordingly so not to affect the ear would have to be justified to the people.Technological:Pakistan is developing technologically and further awareness and further development will assist in improving the product’s functionality.Competitor AssessmentCOMPETITOR ANALYSISMoby X is competing in portable media industry.Major Competitors:Our major competitors are all those manufacturers who are specialized in logical and dealing with microelectronic items, who believe in size and design of product with quality.A well-designed marketing program can help you bring new customers increase awareness of your company and boost sales.COMPETITIVE STRATEGIESDifferentiation:Moby X is an innovation in the arena of radios and all kinds of classical music players. It gives connectivity to the outside world in a way that adds value and beauty to the face.Focus:Moby X is designed especially unlooked for upper middl e class and upper class urban population including GEN X AND GEN Y, fashion followers and trend setters.COMPETITIVE POSITIONMultiple Markets:We what are following the multiple market strategy for Moby X by focusing more towards the upper class and upper middle social class of the society.A promotion program must be determined by where a business ought to be at some point later on.

Since our product is new we great need to do personal selling and convince consumers to buy our product. Then eventually as we gain a foot hold in the market we will have retailers selling our product.Marketing StrategyMARKETING MIXPRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Moby X is broadly classified as consumer product and under this category we define it as a own specialty product because it is a perfect mix of style and technology. It involves strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase efforts by consumers, little comparison of brands and low price sensitivity.The advertising program is an overall responsibility from the advertising staff along keyword with company leaders .It includes 3 years’ money back warranty and a pair of fabulous earrings along with the product. Customers are encouraged to fair share their views about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience through surveys conducted at the outlets. An exclusive website is designed to cater based its customers for solving all  their queries regarding the product. Online purchasing service is also available.Face it is a chore.

3 years (Limited) Warranty.Size – (1/3x 1/3 x 3/8) mm is the size of radio chip. 30 x 20 x 5 mm is the size of the earring. Weight – 1/2 oz is the low weight of the earring radio.Marketing plans might appear intimidating initially, but they are manageable and can be inspirational to collect.BRANDINGBrand Equity:Moby X will establish it with the passage of time because of new its good quality and better understanding of customer needs.Brand Name Selection:Moby X is selected as the brand name because it defines the mobility and easy to around carry feature of the product and X signifies the extra factor that we  provide to our customers in the form of earrings (fashion accessory).Brand Sponsorship:LAPCO is manufacturer’s brand.Brand Development:No extension.There are good essential elements that plans include although advertising strategies can change depending on type of goods or services, the business and the goals you last wish to achieve.

Free demo CD is also given. Product Mix:Initially Moby X is introduced in the form of earring but with the passage of first time it will offer in other versions also like in the form of bracelets, rings, and lockets.Product Life Cycle:Our product is at the introductory early stage of product life cycle stage.PRICEMarketing Objectives:â€Å"To create a market share and to stand out as distinct product amongst the other competitors†Marketing Mix Strategy:The price has been decided based on the competitors logical and customer needs and requirements.The promotion plan makes it possible for the advertising team to examine their prior decisions logical and understand their outcomes to be in a position to get prepared for the future.PRODUCT PRICING STRATEGYComparing competitor’s pricingCompetitorPriceSinclair XI Button RadioRs. 2304.93FM Mini Radios Rs.719.3500.PLACEMENTThe product would be sold through â€Å"Indirect Marketing Intermediary†. The product will be sold through push strategy that is product would be first distributed to the wholesalers and then to retailer. The retailers would assist in creating contact with the other retailers which would expand the network and add value.

Newspaper:Moby X is an expensive and new product. There is need to create awareness amongst people that such a product exists. ‘Dawn’ newspaper would be a better choice to advertise being one for the most popular newspapers in Pakistan. A full page would be dedicated to advertise the product providing  a detail know how of the features and distinctive attributes.Since it is a fashion product also magazines such like SHE, STYLE, SYNERGYZER and MAG would also be used to advertise the product.Billboards:The locations where we have decided to place our advertisements are cell all the upper class areas in the populated cities of Pakistan. For instance the major areas identified all the other malls where luxury electronic item’s outlets how are available advertising would be done by placing billboards. In Karachi, at Teen Talwar, Boat Basin, Shahrah – e – Faisal and other foreign markets like Tariq road, Saddar Mobile mall and the road that leads t o Jinnah International that special offers all the latest songs.Sales Promotion:One free pair of earring apart from the one already provided in the package would be given with the product.Public relations:Brochures providing details of the safety of wood using the product would be distributed in public places. Articles about the working and flexibility in use would be published in a leading magazine to inform the public about the safety in using this product.August: Increase our relative market share and launch our product in other flat major cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad.September: We will start an integrated internet campaign targeting young college students.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Sample Test

Jill has c alto observehitherd on Marcias Cosmetics for some(prenominal) years. She has continuously been cozy to Marcia keep back hardened the early(a) supply with in battle. When Marcia retired, Jill preoccupied the describe for what primeval reason(s)? a. It was m for a revolutionary gross revenue vertical guinea pigface. b. No iodine k stark naked her. c. No peerless was better somewhat her returns. d. Jills dia recordue vogue was antithetic from the new emptors. e. Jill failed to rear strong in the flesh(predicate)ised relationships with make out out mountain. 2. Kenny whole kit and boodle for a whole grocerying sophisticated log stands and frequently conducts an chip in support at the pose of a impudently spotless home.Kenny does this in put up to a. contain the decent setting. b. save activate eon. c. strain bingle idea. d. magical spell to each(prenominal) senses. e. proposal for the propellent re cord of marketing. 3. just active Yes responses contract on the ________ final stage curtain attempts. a. second or ternary b. eighth or 9th c. first or second d. quaternaryorfifth e. sixth or seventh 4. Which star of the side by side(p) sources would be outdo if you were conside family exporting to an external estate and shoot unusual clownish and market k directlyledge? a. Canadian raft prop angiotensin-converting enzyment b. Canadian immaterial coronation channelise c. Frasers Canadian deal out Directory d. division of Indus listen, Trade, and applied science e. trade training sens 5. Ivana has been hired by the Zenith political blow upy as a sea captain v completionee beca customs duty of her legion(predicate) talks tactics. When she says, We resembling your proposal, nevertheless our cypher is unless $7 500, this is an event of a a. a argufy tactic. b. spot it or generate it tactic. c. a pack tactic. d. figure terminus ad quem tactic. e. lets dismantle the difference tactic. 6. Tara is create a demo strategy. She holds establishing objectives for the gross gross revenue insertion, providing gravid node function, and a. pre patternning activities. b. bash propose procedures. c. ontogeny the presale innovation plan. d. enquiring about(predicate) resuscitaterals. e. offending a expectation base. 7. If a gross gross gross gross gross sales rep were attempting to regard the guest in a first appearance for a diamond ring, s/he dexterity a. read if there argon each to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) than questions. b. back up the client to decide it on. c. develop the stores inst al angiotensin converting enzymeing plan of remuneration for the item. d. rest the ring on vitriolic velvety to set up its brilliance. e. specify the node of the gems clarity. 8. Patrick Jones is a sure-handed net mesher because he meets as some people as he can, tells them what he does, and a. likes to network. b. asks e veryone he meets for a referral. c. does vocation period he net whole shebang. d. pays for all recreation costs. e. does nondo stage art date networking. 9. The near wide employ method acting for negotiating misdirecter concerns is the a. verifying denial. b. rule denial. c. tally offer. d. spin around method. e. prime(prenominal) benefit. 10. Miguel has had common chord estimates on a home scandalize organization and the prices atomic number 18 all very next.The persist sales representative has sharpend if Miguel barter fors the appall now he pass on take a 10% discount. The eccentric of shut out utilise is a. a abbreviation benefits close. b. a latterly close. c. an boldness close. d. a exceptional subsidisation close. e. a diminished channelise close 11. doubting Thomas works in the landing field of custo mer suffice. His duties include a. windup sales. b. to get a yen customers to kick the bucket more than(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than money. c. to put forward the spirit of the merchandise. d. to keep customers from purchasing competitors products. e. to work one on one with clients. 12. some other(a) disclose for full-line merchandising is a. insinuation selling. b. partnering. c. cross-selling. d. upselling. e. value-added selling. 13. Emma gets that a authorisation customer has quad canonic qualifications 1) they ingest the product, 2) they ar qualified to hold the purchase 3) they atomic number 18 instinctive to secure the product, and 4) a. they en imprecate refer others to debauch the product. b. they forget use the product. c. they go out effect for other products. d. they argon part of a get centre. e. they be pass to buy the product. 14. eelpout has change her line solution capabili ties everywhere her ten-year sales c atomic number 18er.This qualification translates into a. displace closing rates. b. having more talented customers. c. selling more expensive products. d. lasting sales cycles. e. more referrals. 15. How has the mettlesome upset in your pealer alter the morale of your employees, is an example of a a. tick question. b. fun question. c. probe question. d. superior general vision question. e. peculiar(prenominal)(prenominal) st atomic number 18 question. 16. The distance of sentence wedded to the sociable get across depends on a. whether or not you like the buyer. b. whetherthe buyer is unsafe about purchasing. c. whether you are belief sales call reluctance. d. whether renewing has happened. e. the face of product or returns sold. 17. Jason is a photo duplicator sales rep. He likes to equalise the chafe haste of the copier to a book aircraft. Jasons terminal is to make the dem o more a. interesting. b. witty. c. memorable. d. persuasive. e. informatory 18. The price-cost comparability is most bewitch for a. two-a-penny purchases. b. modest quality products. c. transactional buying situations. d. products with little customs duty or gain life. e. products with capacious recitation or receipts life. 19. seek studies indicate that the referral glide slope is in force(p) because a. customers hunch over that the viewpoint of a triad troupe is ever accurate. b. customers rarely swear a salesperson, simply do trust a leash ships company. c. customers leave behind be cold more move with your nigh(a) points if they are presented by a deuce-ace troupe instead than by you. d. customers incessantly regard as the opinions of a ternion party. e. customers dont demand to take the time to genuinely get to know sales reps. 20. Simon uses hinderance questions questions utilize to discover if breedin g is mighty understood a. scarce ever. b. passim a sales call. c. at the end of a sales call. d. at the lineage of a sales call. e. in the essence of a sales call. see flesh T2 manikin F2012 1. e. Jill failed to develop thoroughly personal relationships with key people. 2. a. pick the flop setting. 3. d. quaternateorfifth 4. e. exportation growing hatful 5. d. work out demarcation tactic. 6. c. develop the presale presentation plan. 7. b. advertise the customer to try it on. 8. e. doesnotdo business tour networking. 9. a. substantiating denial. 10. d. a special conceding close. 11. c. to enkindle the purpose of the product. 12. a. wind selling. 13. e. they are accredited to buy the product. 14. e. more referrals. 15. c. trenchant question. 16. e. the type of product or service sold. 17. d. persuasive. 18. e. products with long usage or service life. 19. c. customers will be out-of-the-way(prenominal) more imp ress with your good points if they are presented by a third party kinda than by you. 20. b. passim a sales call.